Carrying a Concealed Weapon Class

In Uncategorized by Rangemasters Admin

There are still a few spots open for tonight’s NRA 1st STEPS (Carry a Concealed Weapon Class). We also have spots available in Thursday and Saturday’s class this week. Get signed up!

(Un)Concealed Handgun

In Uncategorized by Rangemasters Admin

A few hints on how to conceal a firearm: Try not to shorten your stride or arm swing on the side with a concealed handgun When you walk toward someone be careful not to turn your body and not to move your hand toward your holstered gun. When you move quickly (run) try not to put your hand on your …

Very Basic Range Safety

In Uncategorized by Rangemasters Admin

It’s LOADED! POINT to shoot. Trigger FINGER Behind TARGET. A very simple set of nine words that should be part of each of your visits to our range. Every set of range safety rules rests on these four basics. When we open our new range the four basics will be the foundation of our own set of rules, which will be …


In Uncategorized by Rangemasters Admin

South Range is shaping up! Like our Facebook page to receive updates and promotions.

Inside Rangemasters

In Uncategorized by Rangemasters Admin

Our new 14 lane indoor range will be open soon – check out the progress! Like our Facebook page to receive updates and promotions.

Newbies on the Range

In Uncategorized by Rangemasters Admin

Our new indoor range and gun shop will open soon and when that happens we hope to see a lot of ‘new’ regulars and some first-timers. Our ‘old’ regulars may need to practice some patience as the newbies settle in.  If you see a newbie doing something careless, dangerous, or bag-of-rocks stupid, then courteously help the newbie correct the problem. …