Carrying Concealed in Your Vehicle

In Uncategorized by Rangemasters Admin

It’s an often asked question: What do I do when I carry concealed in my vehicle? Take a look at this article from American Rifleman for some tips on carrying concealed in your car, then stop by the store to see how we can help you find a solution.    

Time to Renew?

In Uncategorized by Rangemasters Admin

We have two Carrying a Concealed Weapon Renewal classes available this week – the first of which is tomorrow night at 5 p.m. We also have a class this coming Saturday morning at 10 a.m. Get signed up here before the classes fill up!    

Don’t Miss Out

In Uncategorized by Rangemasters Admin

Did you know that, on average, you only see about 18-20% of the posts your favorite businesses on Facebook put out? Just because you like a page, doesn’t mean you are getting all the content in your newsfeed. To make sure you are seeing all the important Rangemasters posts, go to our page and place your cursor over the “Liked” icon. …